Polymer based adhesive Vi-Pro® EPDM PASTE ADHESIVE 903

Polymer based adhesive Vi-Pro® EPDM PASTE ADHESIVE 903

Product description

NE-COMPONENT ADHESIVE BASED ON A HIGH-VISCOSITY POLYMER with a small admixture of solvent, applied with a hand gun. Designed for one-sided bonding of EPDM strips and butyl membranes to the substrate.

With Vi-Pro® Paste Adhesive 903, the position of the EPDM strip can be corrected, unlike Vi-Pro® Contact Adhesive 904, which bonds at the first touch and it is not possible to adjust the position of the strip.

It provides an excellent adhesion to the following materials: EPDM, bitumen, butyl, aluminum, PVC, wood, steel, acrylic glass, concrete, lightweight concrete.

Vi-Pro System EPDM
Na zdjęciu klej na bazie polimeru o dużej lepkości z niewielką domieszką rozpuszczalnika przeznaczony do jednostronnego klejenia pasów EPDM i butyl do podłoża.



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