Product description

Used in the external envelope or fabric of buildings, they ensure the system will drain freely, whilst maintaining airflow and providing an effective hot smoke and fire seal.

• Allows continuous ventilation and drainage behind cladding
• Up to 120 minutes of fire integrity
• Tested to ASFP ‘Fire Resistance Test of Open State Cavity Barriers’ utilising BS EN 1363-1 and Principles of BS EN 1366-4
• Suitable for vertical (full seal) applications
• Third-party approved

SIDERISE RV vertical cavity barriers are used to full fill the void between the external envelope and internal structure. The construction offers excellent resistance to the passage of both smoke and fire. Additionally, by fully sealing the void, they assist ventilated façades to function by maintaining airpressurisation compartmentation. Importantly, their unique stonewool lamella core construction enables the vertical barriers to accommodate the serviceability movement normally associated with rainscreen façades. SIDERISE® RV are the first ewcl5 certified cavity barriers for open state ‘rainscreen’ façades.

Fire protection of
building facades



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