Liquid for smoothing sealants Vi-Pro® EASY TO TOOL

Liquid for smoothing sealants Vi-Pro® EASY TO TOOL

Product description

Vi-Pro Easy To Tool Liquid for Sealant Tooling is a concentrated smoothing agent, aqueous solution made of surfactants and additives, used to smooth silicone, polyurethane, polysulfide and hybrid sealants. The product is water based, and is safe for the workers. Vi-Pro Easy to Tool is suitable for tooling secondary sealants in insulating glass and also as a separating agent for use on racks.


  • Keeps the shine of the sealant surface intact.
  • Colouring pigments of the sealant are not washed off.
  • Dermatologically tested ingredients.
  • Does not dry out the skin.
  • Suitable for all sealants.
  • Prevents IG units from sticking to the racks.
  • Free of acids, lye and solvents; neutral.
Na zdjęciu Płyn do wygładzania szczeliw ułatwia profilowanie oraz wygładzanie spoin i fug uszczelnień silikonowych, akrylowych, poliuretanowych.



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